Breathwork for Being
it all begins and ends with the breath
The Breath Practice
Breathwork is an active meditation that uses a 3-part breathing technique to clear our perceptual filters and allow us to be more fully present to ourselves and life’s biggest challenges. This practice tends to be good at getting us out of our heads and into our bodies, primal space for shifting our beliefs and behaviors that keep us stuck in imposter syndrome, perfectionism, & privilege.
This powerful practice offers you choice and autonomy, while inviting us into the creative spaces of rest and liminality rarely found in our daily lives.
The breath doesn’t know the difference between who you are personally and who you are professionally. Bridging the domains of self care and self development, a Breathwork practice can alter the ways we choose to engage with our work and our relationships, our needs and our desires, our grief and our joy. It allows us the space to open our heart and access our bodies wisdom.
You already have what you need.
Everything begins and ends with the Breath.
Monthly Circle
Join one of the regularly scheduled Breathwork sessions on Zoom. They begin and end with a check in but there are no direct asks to be on mic or on camera. In between you’re offered 30 minutes of guided breath and a 10 minute integration/rest period. Group breathwork offers the opportunity to heal in community, building your awareness that we are never alone in this deep work. These are open to everyone, no experience necessary.
Pay what you can, recording available.
1:1 Sessions
Finding and staying on our aligned path can be a deeply personal journey. We can work together one on one to re-imagine anything (or everything). Solo sessions are 75-minutes via Zoom for experienced practitioners and those new to the practice. They begin with an aligned intention setting practice, followed by a 40-minute guided Breathwork experience and time for reflection.
Exchange is $150 usd
Private Groups
Breathwork is an experiential journey with profound results. Gather a group of friends, coworkers, visionaries, or community members to breathe together, fostering a powerful connection between participants, even across the space and time of our virtual connection. Hosting a retreat? Breathwork could be a great fit. Group Breathwork is also available for organizations seeking creative solutions. Virtual or available for in person sessions where travel is possible.