Awaken: A Springtime Photovoice Practice

Second Circle now added! 1 spots available.

March 9, 2025 - March 30, 2025

A 21 day practice to find and hold ourselves in loving attention as we emerge into Spring. An online container for self-exploration and connection. Photovoice invites us into noticing the world around us and Centering invites us into our commitments for the season ahead. A gentle mix of real time and asynchronous connection, this group is open to 5 people who want to move into Spring with intention.

One way that we can unlearn the harmful patterns of capitalism is to align ourselves with the cycles we see in nature. There are cycles everywhere that we can follow to guide our work, guide our lives. For example, the rising and setting sun (daily), the phases of the moon (monthly), the turning of the seasons (quarterly). There are guideposts everywhere if we are willing to look for them.

January has always felt like a tricky time to set new goals or find clarity on the path ahead. Winter is a time to rest, to slow down and turn inwards, to embrace the dark. So we turn to the Spring Equinox as a waymarker for new beginnings. Ours is a three week crossing, a time for slowing down, for noticing the subtle shifts.

Intentional practices offer support in the midst of the complex crisis we’re experiencing in the world around us. Politicized somatics teaches us that we are always practicing something and without intention that can often end up being things that aren’t aligned with our values. 

This is not a workshop for setting big audacious goals, this is a call for daily practice, for staying true to yourself and aligned with what you care about most (whatever that is, you get to decide). It’s a practice of care-forward relationship: to yourself, others, and nature. 

Core Practices


Photovoice is a practice of giving our thoughts and feelings a voice through a visual medium. Photovoice invites us into noticing the world around us. Photovoice allows us to go a layer deeper, an embodied noticing of our inner world. Photovoice reconnects us to our environment and the natural cycles of our days. 

Technically, photovoice is a qualitative research method used in community-based participatory research. I was fortunate to be able to employ this creative, inclusive methodology during my career as an evaluator. I loved how it engaged people and allowed us to find layers of knowing that language didn’t always uncover. So I've reimagined photovoice for self-reflection, a methodology for reflecting on our own lives.


Centering is a practice from politicized somatics. We center to get open, present, and connected to ourselves, to each other, to what we care about. Centering helps us to notice what’s happening inside of us and outside of us. We center to remember who we are and what we want for our lives. We center for more choice, so under all the pressures of the world you have a place to come back to. We center so we can take action from an aligned, principled place.

    • A camera, I use my phone, you don’t have to, but it’s the easiest way to interact with this practice. 

    • Access to text messaging. We will keep it simple, daily prompts will arrive via text and it will be our primary way to stay connected between our circles. 

    • Access to Google Docs and a willingness to engage in a shared document.

    • Willingness to explore outdoors, notice changes in nature. This can be in your own yard or neighborhood, or through a window.

    • Willingness to slow down and pay attention to subtle shifts in yourself & nature.

    • A small community of 4-6 people to reflect with.

    • Gatherings to build relationship and connection. An opening (90 minute) and closing (2 hour) circle hosted on Zoom.

    • Weekly centering practices. A 20-30 minute check in once per week to practice together and build connection (recorded).

    • 21 days of guided practice with prompts to inspire your (self) exploration.

    • A co-created Zine to remember our time together. You’ll approve what gets shared. 

    • Added bonus: Photography tips! It’s a passion and hobby of mine, I’ve studied and worked professionally as a photographer. I’ll only offer when asked.

  • This cohort spans one week before and one after the Spring Equinox - 21 days. Two tracks to choose from (please note when registering that you will either join all the times for Circle 1 or Circle 2)

    CIRCLE 1

    • Opening Circle - Sunday, March 9 10:00 - 11:30am CT (not recorded)

    • Closing Circle - Sunday, March 30, 10:00am - 12:00pm CT on Zoom (not recorded)

    • Centering Practices - Wednesdays March 12, 19, & 26 at 9:00-9:30am CT (recorded if you can’t make it live)

    • Commitment / best efforts to take at least one photo a day

    CIRCLE 2

    • Opening Circle - Sunday, March 9 5:00 - 6:30pm CT (not recorded)

    • Closing Circle - Sunday, March 30, 5:00 - 7:00pm CT on Zoom (not recorded)

    • Centering Practices - Wednesdays March 12, 19, & 26 at 9:00-9:30am CT (recorded if you can’t make it live)

    • Commitment / best efforts to take at least one photo a day

    • Pay what you can: $150 (Sustaining Rate) / $75 (Supported Rate) / $225 (Supporting Rate)

    • Payment Plans available

    • If you would whole heartedly like to be a part of this group but funds are a barrier to access please reach out

    • As a bonus, cost includes access to the monthly Breathwork practice on March 18 from 7:30pm - 8:30pm CT

Second Circle now added! Two times to choose from.

What qualities/principles do you want to embody in the season ahead?

What seeds of attention do you want to tend this spring?

What is growing in you and your relationships?